To provide the highest quality and most useful breastfeeding support products for nursing moms and babies around the world.
To facilitate healthy bonding and help create a physical, emotional, and psychological connection between mom and baby.
Before My Brest Friend, when a mom wanted to breastfeed, she usually looked around for something nearby to help prop up baby into position. Her only options included:
• Bed pillows
• Rolled-up towels
• A sofa cushion
• A toddler u-shaped pillow

Unfortunately, none of these household items could stay in place for very long, would cause Mom to shift and end the session early, or force Mom to stay frozen in place – resulting in muscle fatigue, back pain, discomfort, and soreness. Without support, as nursing moms can often breastfeed up to 15 times a day, this can cause serious frustration and stress for both mom and baby. This can even result in less breastfeeding, or for moms to give up nursing entirely due to difficulties with positioning or latch-on, before they have a successful experience. This can be devastating for mom, especially new mothers, and their sense of self. This can also mean that baby misses out on many important psychological and health benefits that come from bonding with Mom through breastfeeding. Both Mom and baby deserve the chance to enjoy all of the benefits of breastfeeding comfortably, and at ease.
And so, we created the My Brest Friend nursing pillow.
Andrew Zenoff, the inventor of My Brest Friend, observed many of his friends struggling with this very issue. With a business degree, curiosity, and the desire to help, Andrew set out to do what no one had done before: create a nursing pillow with the sole purpose to meet the needs of breastfeeding moms and babies.
A bachelor at the time, Andrew observed some friends who were new nursing mothers struggling with this very issue.
He began with a list of common complaints from a group of breastfeeding moms, to help isolate the most important issues to address. This included lower back pain, improper support, poor latch-on, or difficulty keeping baby snug and secure. After a lengthy cycle of design and testing, he developed over 50 prototypes in a single year. By this time, Andrew had built a team around him dedicated to poking, prodding, and adjusting the design until they created a pillow that all of the breastfeeding moms in their test group agreed was just right. Then, and only then, did they introduce My Brest Friend to the world.
Over 25 years later, the My Brest Friend nursing pillow is still beloved by millions nursing moms everywhere.
Today, My Brest Friend’s patented design is considered the #1 choice by lactation consultants and supports mothers in over 45 countries. It’s used in hundreds of NIC units and birthing hospitals. Most importantly, it consistently earns raving reviews from nursing moms, who tell us amazing stories about how our pillow has helped them achieve longer and more comfortable feeding sessions than they ever thought possible.
And Andrew, now the father of two girls and two boys, he and his wife Sarah, nursed and fed their own babies using My Brest Friend.
We are committed to a high standard of safety and comfort. With millions of products sold worldwide, we take safety seriously and remain dedicated to health, comfort, and safety of Mom and baby.
All of our products are inspected and tested by Intertek, a world-renowned independent testing laboratory. We have always passed all legal and safety regulations. We do not use fire retardants in our foam pillow, as fire retardants are no longer required for use in nursing pillows. The foam we use is tested for safety.
“Members of my family and the My Brest Friend staff have used and loved our products for years – we wouldn’t use them or sell them unless we believed them to be 100% safe – regardless of legal, financial or compliance issues. This is our commitment.” – Andrew Zenoff, CEO of Zenoff Products/ Inventor of My Brest Friend.